Thursday, May 30, 2013

Beach Bag Success!

I just posted on Facebook my finished Oversized Beach Bag. I'm so excited! I think it's truly the most useful item I've made so far. It will hold everything you could need for a day on the beach....a towel, change of clothes for both kiddos, toys, name it! The pattern was designed by Micah Makes, but I chose to make it just a little larger to make sure it fits all my mama gear. I made it with 100% cotton so that it's easy to wash when you get home. And it will make a wonderful market bag when summer's over. You can't go wrong with this one!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope everyone got to enjoy their Memorial Day weekends. We took it easy around here...the kiddos played and enjoyed the sunshine. And I sat on the back porch crocheting and enjoying the sound of my children's laughter. And we have the amazing men and women who have served and sacrificed for our country to thank for that. Words will never be enough.....but Thank You for all that you do.

Friday, May 17, 2013

50 Likes Giveaway!

We've hit our first 50 likes on our Facebook we're having a giveaway! The winner will get to choose a hat from a special giveaway album. So come on over and enter to win. The winner will be announced Sunday night....I'll post their name on Facebook, as well as here, and a message.

Here is just one new hat I've been working on (which will be in the giveaway album). It's the Ava Sun Hat Pattern by Crochet by Jennifer. I'm in love with it! And it's just $20!

It's made with 100% cotton, perfect for hot summer weather....and easily washable for the kiddos. :)

**More colors and styles to come ( I try to never leave the boys out )

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Might be the only one...

So I've been working on the snake all day during my free time, and I've only managed to get maybe 5 or 6 inches done! I'm kind of the stubborn sort, so I am determined to get this sucker done. But geez, it might be my only one!

I actually had to take a break, just to give my brain a little workout. So I started the cutest floppy sunhat for Kate. Hopefully I can share it soon.

Thankfully, John is home tomorrow, so I plan on stealing an hour to myself, to upload some photos and work on projects! Yay to having the hubs home during the day! :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My little problem

By looking at this page you would think I haven't done anything since Mother's Day. That's not true. I've been secretly addicted to my Pinterest boards. I've been staring at my screen, drooling over new crochet blogs and patterns that I've found. So, although it may seem as though I'm slacking on the job again. I'm really out there stalking other crafty mommies, finding inspirations to create things for you. :)

I would love for you to stop on by and see what I've found!

Hop on over to Pinterest

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day!

These are the proudest moments of my life...

Our son, Gavin, was born 9.13.2010

Our daughter, Kate, was born 2.19.2013

I have been so blessed to have these wonderful women in my life.

My Mom and my Nana...their love showed me what being a mother was all about. 

My Grandmama, Nana, and Grandaddy with Gavin
My Grandmama's love showed me how to love others.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day!


Friday, May 10, 2013

Long Day...

Today has been one of those days that is super fun, and full of fun activities and projects....But by the end of the day, you're ready to crash! I love days like today...we had a fun playdate with good friends, lots of fresh air and "exercise", and then an easy bedtime. Who could complain?

I managed to finish up a beautiful dress tonight, that I'll be taking pics of tomorrow to share. :)

Until then, let me introduce my first softie, Richard the Whale. 

He was designed by Stacey Trock, and was so much fun to make! He is definitely the first of many!!

Gavin loved him too...he has requested a snake next.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The first of many....

I'm so excited that I have finally started working on MyLilRoo! I have always loved to crochet and create things for my family (and myself)....and now I hope to do the same for you!

So I guess I'll start this off with a little background on myself....

My Nana taught me to crochet when I was around 8 years old. I used to go down and stay with her and my Papa for a week or so during the summers. I can remember sitting and crocheting long chains using entire skeins of yarn, and then advancing to a few basic stitches to make my first item. I still have it....I'm not sure what it is...kind of a round potholder meets blanket. But I love it all the same, because I made it with my grandparents who had the patience to help me learn. My Papa, who sat with me for hours, teaching me how to roll a ball, the way his mother taught him. And my Nana, who had the patience to sit with me, and explain to me the different stitches over and over again, until I finally got it right. I still have the hook she let me take home at the end of my item I will always cherish.

I have been crocheting off and on ever since. But I really got into learning more intricate pieces when my son was born in 2010. Now I'm obsessed with all things crochet. I always have my hook and yarn with me, ready to create something new.

And that's where my idea for MyLilRoo was born. I love to create items for my loved see them truly enjoy something that I have created. I love it so much so that my son, Gavin, has too many hats in his closet to count! And my daughter, Kate, who is only 11 weeks old, isn't far behind.

It was staring at this collection of hats (let alone all the other items I've made), that made me realize I want to create for others as well, outside of my family. It also made me realize I have a gift that could help others. So for every item I sell, I'll be making at least one hat (or item) to donate.

I'm still in the process of getting things up and going, so please excuse my posts if they seem unorganized for awhile, while I gather my thoughts and ideas together.

Y'all can visit me over at Facebook too! :)