Monday, August 5, 2013

Us girls can tackle anything!

My wonderful husband took our son to the lake for the day so that mommy could get some stuff done around here (and of course have a fun boys' day too!)
I wasn't sure how much I would actually get done, thanks to a new tooth our daughter, Kate, is working on. Well, we tackled IT ALL! We cleaned the entire house...having fun the entire way, singing Annie songs and dancing with her in the carrier. We did 4 loads of laundry (and folded 6....yeah, I let them marinate sometimes for quite awhile). We "relaxed" in the sun while I trimmed some bushes. And I got 2 orders finished during her naptime! I feel SO accomplished right now! Of course, the house will look like a tornado came through it again tomorrow, after Gavin has a go at it. And the laundry will inevitably pile up again within a few days. But for now, I get to relax on the couch, with a new fun project, and imagine it will stay this least for tonight.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Perfect Basic Hat Pattern

Do you ever just find a pattern that just makes sense, works up smoothly, and helps to end all your headaches? Well I have finally been directed to the most wonderful basic hdc beanie pattern, thanks to one of the ladies in my crochet group. The pattern is over on Repeat Crafter Me, an all around fun blog, that has a little bit of everything crafty. I have always seemed to struggle with my hdc hats and making the switch from the increase section to single hdc in each stitch around. My old hats always seemed to have a bit of a corner at all the increases. Well, she has completely solved this problem in her strawberry hat, with the addition of a slow increase row, before switching to single hdc stitches. And my gauge works up perfectly with hers, so sizing is a no brainer now! Yay! And if you're looking for a good dc pattern for sizing and increases, check out her penguin hat pattern. She's wonderful at what she does, and has now saved me from many, many headaches!